Meet Samata Narra: SVP Diversity & Inclusion Warner Bros


Recently appointed as Senior Vice-President of Enterprise Inclusion Content Strategy at Warner Media Entertainment, Samata Narra joins the ranks of influential BIPOC executive women in TV who deliver on transformative approaches to storytelling in the genres of comedy and dramas! Similar to Netflix Global executive, Bela Bajaria in that she centralizes her work around a balance of analytical data and diverse narrative, Narra emerged as a true leader in shaking up typical Hollywood stories with atypical, comical, and impassioned storylines and productions with BIPOC and other underrepresented communities placed at the forefront. 

There are plenty of productions still seeking the secret elixir for that glorified household name, recognition for a banger of a show. And it’s essential to have members like Narra on board who are willing to extend opportunities to youth and underrepresented groups, through nonprofit orgs such as Narra’s Film2Future. As an executive, Narra’s approach involves more analytics around the data of viewers, particularly who is watching, why they’re watching, and why what these viewers watch, matters. 

Utilizing her platform, Narra has been recognized at various keynote speaking events as a new generation leader for POC in the industry. In an event for Aspen Institute, Narra highlights that:

“... and as we set things in specific places,

 how do we make sure that we’re representing the audience 

in the most authentic way, but also in an aspirational way…”

 ~ Samata Narra for 

Changing the Narrative: Reflecting Race on Screen

With this lens in mind, Narra continues to establish an assortment of TV series that cater to the audiences she wants to reflect and embolden! Notorious shows like Bob’s Burgers(2011-Present) or Brooklyn Nine-Nine(2013-2021) have Narra to thank for overseeing production in addition to keen insight into what the entertainment market craves at the moment! 

CreatorSwathi Reddy