Meet: Christina Oh


Film producer/ writer-director Christina Oh has reentered the headlines as she’s taken an executive position with Annapurna Pictures! As an executive producer at Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment film production company, Oh has had a hand in some underground cinema favorites like Netflix’s Okja(2017). The child of South Korean immigrants, Oh puts her heart into supporting immigrant-centric narratives and characters to voice underrepresented communities further. And with this mentality, she notes in an interview with Screendaily that: 

Post-Okja I had been sent a lot of material 

dealing with immigrants or Asian immigrants or Asian stories,” she says. 

“All those stories are really important. 

As a producer, you oscillate between wanting

 to tell every story but you have to make a choice sometimes.”

The new wave of diversity and inclusion in the film industry has reached its first bout of either fluidly portraying beautifully complex and engaging tales of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled folks or tragically missing the mark. So to have film creatives like Christina Oh, aids in delivering refreshing, consistent, and explorative film projects that offer wildly new envisionments of classic themes (i.e. family, self-discovery, & love). Oh is a prime example of utilzing one’s environment to foster goals as she surrounded herself with industry members of the likes of Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner, absorbing their thought processes and practices regarding their individual performances and collaborations on Plan B’s projects through the years. 

So it’s no surprise that Christina Oh is probably gonna kill it as executive VP for Annapurna Pictures. With critically acclaimed successes like Minari(2020) under her wing, Oh has risen the standard for indie stylized storytelling on a studio budget. In addition to enhanced narrative structure, Oh is proof that patience and tactful career-building moves will definitely get you far in the collaborative film world! 

CreatorSwathi Reddy