Meet : Ellen Mirojnick


You may already be familiar with some of Ellen Mirojnick’s works. Anywhere from reimagining the new Cinderlla (2021) featuring Camilla Cabello, to livening up Hugh Jackman's showman’s and Zendaya’s aerial costumes in The Greatest Showman (2017), Mirojnick prominently established her presence on the fashion scene starting as early as the 1970s. Designing for a mixture of Emmy Award-winning TV shows and pop culture classics such as Fatal Attraction(1987), Logan Lucky(2017), Starship Troopers(1997), and Need For Speed(2014),  Mirojnick pinpoints essential character traits by implementing adjustments or details specific to a character’s overall persona and narrative arch. 

The result of her sharp eye is a plethora of sultry, precise, offbeat, extravagant, and quirky designs for some staple characters, like that of Sharon Stone’s sleek and pristine white turtleneck dress in Basic Instinct(1992), a design that’s become a staple of cult classic looks! Mirojnick consistently proves that a hustler’s mentality can be effective when quality work not only builds and sets a standard across the industry, but it’s evident that challenges can foster awe-inspiring growth and healthy habit building. 

Working most recently on Netflix’s popular Bridgerton(2021-Present), Mirojnick designed around 7500 costume pieces for the series, aiming to thoroughly encapsulate writer-director Shonda Rhimes’ overall vision for an impeccably detail-oriented presentation of regal Victorian eccentricity. Mirojnick’s constant curiosity seeking has fostered an industry empire of versatile, luxurious, and enthralling set costumes that adhere to the mainstream of positive pop culture reception, while also affording Mirojnick the chance for tactful experimentation with fabric and narrative concepts. 
Design and design productions for massive streaming services and big industry names demand a level of poise and assertion that aids in actualizing the joint concept of all creatives involved. Mirojnick holds much devotion to the collaborative process on all levels when working with actors’ comfortability and the director’s visions. And it shows in her consistent concepts, patterns, and forms that audiences have picked up on throughout Mirojnick’s 50+ year career! I mean talk about diva energy!

CreatorSwathi Reddy